May Update

A Trip to America

America, here we come! Our family is planning a trip to the States for this holiday season. By then, it will have been two and a half years since our last trip home, and we are looking forward to reconnecting with family, friends, and supporters!

Our trip will last from early November to late February. We are planning to stay with family, but it is looking like we will need a vehicle that can accommodate four car seats/boosters during our time in Texas (November, and also mid January through late February). If we can't borrow/buy a vehicle, we are looking into leasing a vehicle from an organization that leases to missionaries on furlough. So if you know of any good options, be sure to contact us and let us know!

Kids in a box

No, we won't be shipping ourselves to America in boxes! BTW, starting with this blog post, you can click on the pictures to get a bigger version.

Good and Evil

The Good and Evil project is coming along well. We are coming down the home stretch on proofing the translation, and are mainly working on the layout now. We need to have this project wrapped by the beginning of CMO on July 12th, so your prayers would be appreciated!

Carpathian Mountain Outreach

The CMO project is in the same place as the Good and Evil project. Lots of work to do, and not much time! Pray that we would be able to get all our preparations done in time, and that God would bless CMO.

More specifically, we are planning a trip to the Carpathian Mountains for the week of June 11th to scout out the area we are planning to work in the summer. Our hope is to contact some of the local authorities and make arrangements for the first couple film showings of the project.


We are currently in the process of renewing our residency permits. So far, everything has gone without a hitch, and by next month, we should hopefully be all ready to go for another year.


Warmer weather means tea parties on the balcony!

The pregnancy is also going pretty well, but we would continue to appreciate your prayers for a healthy mama and baby. The girls are getting bigger and more helpful by the day, and are looking forward to meeting their baby brother in August!

April Update

Carpathian Mountain Outreach

At this point, it is looking like there will be six guys coming for CMO. Four of them will be coming for the first time, and two of them are veteran CMOers from CMO 2015. We would appreciate your prayers as we prepare for CMO, as the guys will be arriving in just under three months!

Bible First

For the past couple months, Denise has been busy sending out hundreds of letters to Bible First students that have fallen off the bandwagon in past years. Her efforts have been paying off. Multiple students have returned to studying the Bible, and just this past week, a lady who signed up all the way back in 2006 finally finished the course!

We are also continuing to work on the Bible First website and the translation of Good and Evil. Pray for God to bless our efforts, as we only have three short months until CMO begins.


The biggest family news is that…

It's a boy!

It's a boy!

Despite the fact that we are entering unknown territory, we are all looking forward to meeting Little Boy Blue! There are still a couple of pregnancy-related health issues that we are working on, and we would appreciate your prayers for those.

March Update

Good and Evil

We are continuing to make progress on Good and Evil. Tolik has been polishing up his translation, the designer has been putting the text into the layout, and Josh and I have been busy supervising. ;)

Bible First

Josh and I are still working on the Bible First website. In the mean time, the proofing of the other translations continues.

Carpathian Mountain Outreach

The application deadline for CMO is April 1st. (And that's not an April Fool's joke!) So if you're planning on coming, be sure to get your application in ASAP!


The biggest family news we have is that we are expecting a new baby! Katelin is currently about 19 weeks along, and has recently started to feel the baby move. So far, she says this has been her best pregnancy yet! Still, there were a couple tests from her initial checkup that were out of line, and we would appreciate your prayers as we work on those.

New baby

So do you think the baby looks more like its mommy or its daddy? ;)

We had a good report from the doctor today regarding Lydia's eyesight. We were told that her weak eye has gotten stronger, and that she needs to keep wearing her glasses.

The rest of us have been doing our best to stay warm, during an unusually cold March. I wouldn't be surprised if we have had as much sub-freezing temperatures in March as the whole rest of winter put together. But the forecast is showing warmer weather for next week, and we are looking forward to it!

February Update

Good and Evil

Good and Evil is coming along nicely. Tolik recently finished translating the text, and now Josh and I just need to finish proofing it. About 1.5 chapters left to go!

Bible First

The two-week coding marathon that Josh and I did recently went well, but there is still a lot more work left to do. So for the past couple weeks, we have been getting together to work on the Bible First website three days a week, Wednesday through Friday. So far, this has been working well for us, and we hope to make as much progress as possible before CMO starts this summer.


This is where the code gets written!


Lydia now has her new glasses, and she has adjusted to them quite well. Next month, we need to go in for another appointment to see how much progress is being made.

Last, but not least, here is our new family photo! It was taken last fall, but I've kept forgetting to post it! For the prayer-card version, be sure to click over to the About page of our blog.

Family photo

The Day Family, September 2017