January Update

Once again, it's been a while since our last update. There's lots of ground to cover, so let's get started!

Connecting with Supporters

One of the highlights of the last several months was a trip we made to speak at a couple of churches. We started off by traveling to Bonham, TX, where our family enjoyed getting to know the Littrell family (Katelin and Mary are old friends) and the rest of the folks at their church. I also presented the ministry on Sunday.

We then headed to Northwest Arkansas, were we spent a few days with Katelin's sister, Katrina, and her family. It had been four years since we had seen each other, so there was a lot of catching up to do!

We then headed back to Texas, this time to Fairpark Baptist Church in Fort Worth for their mini family camp/missions conference. Once again, it had been four years since we were there last, so it was good to reconnect with old friends and make new ones. While there, I had the opportunity to preach a message and give an update on our ministry.

Days and Wallers

Our family enjoyed getting to know the Waller family! David is the new pastor at Fairpark, and Priscilla is another old friend of Katelin's.


Katelin was invited to appear on a friend's podcast, and the interview got broken into two episodes. In the first, Katelin shares about the things that prepared her for missionary life, and in the second, she reflects on her years on the mission field.

Bible First Online - Spanish

There is just a little translation that needs to be done before we can make Bible First in Spanish available online, and we are finally making some progress there! There is a lady at the church we are attending in Houston that is helping us, for which we are very thankful.

Bible First Online - French

We have a contact, J.D. Grimes, who arranged for Bible First to be translated into French. The translation was finished about two weeks ago, and now J.D. has a missionary that would like to use the French translation for a evangelism campaign in March. So as soon as I finish this update, it will be time to put my nose to the grindstone and convert the text into the necessary format.

Good and Evil

Last I heard, about 3,000 copies of Good and Evil have been distributed in Ukraine. 15,000 copies were printed this past summer, so we have about 12,000 copies left. If you'd like to read more, and see some pictures, just click here.


One of the other highlights of the past few months was the vacation that we took to a family camp in northern Texas. I can't say it was very relaxing, because we were so busy, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless!

Rodeo time

Hanging out with our little cowhands at the stick-horse rodeo at Family Camp.

For the past several years, I (Nathan) have been dealing with some unexplained fatigue, and while I am still functional, it does take its toll. I've tried various things over the years, and had different tests run, but I've never been able to get to the bottom of things. While we are in the States, we've decided to work with a specialist to try to figure out what is going on.

As to our future plans, we would like to return to Ukraine, but with the war and all, it's still too early to know if and when that return could happen. We would appreciate your continued prayers for God's direction!